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ISSBB description

The second edition of the International Summer School of Blue Biotechnology (ISSBB) will take place, from October 1st  to 4th 2024, at the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn of Naples (Italy). The school will be dedicated to PhD students, Post-Doc, and early career researchers working in the field of blue biotechnology. The four days of summer school will be focused on current interdisciplinary approaches used to disclose biotechnological potential of marine resources and their use for ecosustainable production of products and processes with beneficial effects on human and environment health. A combination of lectures, short communications, practical afternoon sections and visit to a local marine biotechnology company (Arterra Bioscience, Naples) will create a stimulating environment for participants. Evenings are always reserved for social events in Naples, which can increase exchange of ideas among participants and create new long-lasting collaborations.

Logo was created by Alessandro Coppola, PhD Student, University of Messina

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